Who’s Your Neighbor? - with Jen King

Posted 8/27/24

By Jeff Mead

For the Gazette


People walk among and around us and, as often as not, we don’t even know their names, what matters to them or what brings them joy. This …

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Who’s Your Neighbor? - with Jen King


By Jeff Mead

For the Gazette


People walk among and around us and, as often as not, we don’t even know their names, what matters to them or what brings them joy. This column’s goal is to do exactly that — bring our many personalities together so we can know more and relate more to the people we see every day.

Everyone has a story; we’ve all had good days and bad days. We’ve walked different paths and seen different things, but we’re all still neighbors. We have more in common than we have differences.

Today I talked with Jen King.


Q: What is the most dangerous situation you’ve ever been in?

A: That would be going more than 100 miles per hour through Teton pass on the back of a motorcycle with no helmet.


Q: If you could do one thing over in life what would it be?

A: I wouldn’t change anything; if I did, I wouldn’t know what I know today — and I like what I know.

Q: When you were a kid, what games did you play that kids today don’t play?

A: We would sneak out at night and meet with friends to ride bikes. That was a feat to accomplished because we lived in the middle of nowhere.


Q: What is your earliest memory?

A: Camping with my parents. We would camp in the Uintas, and we’d fish in Gilbert Creek.


Q: What has happened that led to a soul-searching moment in your life?

A: When my dad died.


Q: What is your favorite place in the world?

A: Wherever my family is at any given moment — that’s my favorite place in the world.


Q: What non-living person created the most impact on your life?

A: My dad, he taught me everything, played with me, fished and camped with me and gave me a great childhood.